Author Archives: Joseph Southan

About Joseph Southan

Full stack software engineer. Follow me on Twitter @JoeSouthan.

A Little theme update

Notice it or not, Southanuk has had some tweaks applied to it.


Most notable is in the comments section where the comment form has been completely restyled and properly supports Facebook Connect in Internet Explorer 8.


Little tweaks to the site may appear every now and again, if you like, do tell, if you don’t… do tell!

Firefox 3.5

Just released is the all new, all sexy, Firefox 3.5.


You don't use VHS...then why Internet Explorer?  Upgrade to Firefox 3.5!


New features include:


Firefox 3.5 includes the powerful new TraceMonkey JavaScript engine, which delivers unprecedented performance with today’s complex Web applications.

Open Video and Audio.

Firefox 3.5 delivers the first native integration of audio and video directly into the browser. Now everyone can easily watch open format Ogg Theora videos.

Privacy Controls.

Firefox 3.5 includes features designed to protect your privacy online and provide greater control over your personal data.

Location Aware Browsing.

Location Aware Browsing saves you time by allowing websites to ask you where you are located.


So far in my tests its a huge improvement on the last iteration (3.0.11) much speedier and handles the web better. I am really impressed with the native video player based on the HTML 5 specifications.

Spread Firefox Affiliate Button

Long time no post

Seems I’m getting into quite the habit of not posting anything.

So what has changed from my last post?Snorlax!

  • Managed to get onto my course next year, which is Medical Genetics
  • Doing lots of extra shifts at work
  • Had my mates over MANY times 😀
  • Been very warm

Apart from that not much else.


Now the podcast, which I have promised since… February…. last year. Since it is Southanuk’s birthday on 24th July a special podcast to celebrate this fact will be churned out. Lets hope its a nice drunk podcast 😀